recipe exchange

Quick Start Guide for Recipe Creators

Welcome to! This guide will help you get started sharing your recipes on the AT Protocol. Follow these steps to ensure the smoothest experience, especially if you have existing recipes on your own website.

1. Set Up Your AT Protocol Identity (5 minutes) uses the AT Protocol for authentication - a decentralized social networking protocol that gives you control over your identity and content. You can create an account through Bluesky, currently the most popular AT Protocol app. You can create your Bluesky account here.

2. Log in to (1 minute)

  1. Visit
  2. Click “Login”
  3. Enter your AT Protocol (Bluesky) handle (e.g.,
  4. Authorize through Bluesky

3. Add Your First Recipe (3 minutes)

  1. Click the “+ Add Recipe” button in the top navigation

  2. Choose how you want to add your recipe:

    • Manual: Enter the recipe details manually
    • Website: If the recipe already exists online, we can automatically import it for you
    • Photo: If you have a printed version of your recipe, take a photo of it and we can import it from there
  3. Choose the recipe source:

    • Original Recipe: Select this if you created the recipe
      • If you have the recipe on your website and your handle matches the domain, you can enter the URL and we’ll pre-fill the details
    • From a Website: For recipes from other websites
    • From a Book/Publication: For cookbook or magazine recipes
    • From a Person: For family recipes or recipes shared by friends
    • From a Show: For recipes from TV or streaming shows
    • From a Product: For recipes from product packaging
  4. Fill in the recipe details:

    • Basic information (name, description)
    • Ingredients
    • Instructions
    • Timing information
    • Dietary information
    • Categories and tags
  5. Add photos (optional)

  6. Select your visibility and sharing options (visibility/sharing details]

  7. Click “Finish”

4. Organize Your Recipes (2 minutes)

Create collections to organize your recipes:

  1. Click your profile picture
  2. Select “My Collections”
  3. Click “New Collection”
  4. Give your collection a name and description
  5. Choose visibility (public or private)
  6. Add recipes to your collection

Next Steps

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